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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Hawaii Math Standards - 1st GradeMathScore aligns to the Hawaii Math Standards for 1st Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Numbers and OperationsStandard 1 NUMBER SENSE: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systemsMA.1.1.1: Count whole numbers up to 100 in a variety of ways (e.g., skip counts by 2's, 5's, 10's) (Skip Counting ) MA.1.1.2: Identify representations of simple fractions (e.g., one-half, one-third, one fourth) (Fraction Pictures ) MA.1.1.3: Represent whole numbers up to 100 in flexible ways (e.g., relating, composing, and decomposing numbers), including the use of tens as a unit (Counting Squares ) Standard 2 OPERATION SENSE: Understand the meaning of operations and how they relate to each other MA.1.2.1: Demonstrate that addition and subtraction of whole numbers can undo each other (Inverse Equations 1 ) Standard 3 COMPUTATION STRATEGIES: Use computational tools and strategies fluently and, when appropriate, use estimation MA.1.3.1: Recall single-digit addition facts (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse ) MA.1.3.2: Use a variety of strategies to solve number problems involving addition and subtraction (e.g., comparing sets, counting on, counting backwards, doubles, doubles plus one) (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction , Missing Term ) MeasurementStandard 4 FLUENCY WITH MEASUREMENT: Understand attributes, units, and systems of units in measurement; and develop and use techniques, tools, and formulas for measuringMA.1.4.1: Measure with multiple copies of standard (e.g., inch tiles, foot-long lengths of string) or non-standard (e.g., paper clips, pencils) units of the same size (Requires outside materials ) MA.1.4.2: Identify the value of coins and count coin combinations (using like coins) to a dollar (Counting Money ) MA.1.4.3: Tell time to the half-hour and quarter-hour MA.1.4.4: Identify measurement tools that could be used to measure length, capacity, and weight Geometry and Spatial SenseStandard 5 PROPERTIES AND RELATIONSHIPS: Analyze properties of objects and relationships among the propertiesMA.1.5.1: Identify basic three-dimensional geometric solids (e.g., cube, sphere, rectangular prism) MA.1.5.2: Identify attributes and parts of common two- and three-dimensional shapes (Geometric Shapes ) Standard 6 TRANSFORMATIONS AND SYMMETRY: Use transformations and symmetry to analyze mathematical situations MA.1.6.1: Identify symmetrical shapes found in the real world Standard 7 VISUAL AND SPATIAL SENSE: Use visualization and spatial reasoning to solve problems both within and outside of mathematics Standard 8 REPRESENTATIONAL SYSTEMS: Select and use different representational systems, including coordinate geometry MA.1.8.1: Use directional words to locate an object or place (e.g., left, right, near, far) Patterns, Functions, and AlgebraStandard 9 PATTERNS AND FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Understand various types of patterns and functional relationshipsMA.1.9.1: Extend, create, and describe repeating patterns (Patterns: Shapes ) Standard 10 SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION: Use symbolic forms to represent, model, and analyze mathematical situations MA.1.10.1: Use objects, pictures, words, and number sentences to represent and solve numerical problem situations involving addition and subtraction (Basic Word Problems ) Data Analysis, Statistics, and ProbabilityStandard 11 FLUENCY WITH DATA: Pose questions and collect, organize, and represent data to answer those questionsMA.1.11.1: Collect and organize information using concrete objects and pictures Standard 12 STATISTICS: Interpret data using methods of exploratory data analysis MA.1.12.1: Interpret data using simple language (e.g., more, less, fewer, equal) (Tally and Pictographs ) Standard 13 DATA ANALYSIS: Develop and evaluate inferences, predictions, and arguments that are based on data Standard 14 PROBABILITY: Understand and apply basic notions of chance and probability Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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